Repairing bones. Healing lives.

Every leap forward begins with a question. Ours was simple: How can we help bones heal faster and at higher rates?

i-FACTOR®: a trusted choice in bone graft solutions.

i-FACTOR P-15 Peptide Enhanced Bone Graft, a cornerstone of Cerapedics’ portfolio, is US FDA approved for single-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) and has been used by surgeons since 2015.1

i-Factor box

Follow our progress.

From groundbreaking research and transformative products to industry collaborations and scientific advancements, follow our journey as we strive to redefine the path to bone repair.

Doctors preparing to surgery



  1. i-FACTOR US Instructions for Use. Cerapedics.
  2. Abjornson C, et al. Int J Spine Surg. 2018;12(6):757-771.